The best food to eat when revising (on a budget)

  1. Nuts​

    Nuts are full of good fats and magnesium, which helps keep cortisol (stress) levels low. Like the veggie sticks above, the physical distraction of munching on nuts one by one can work as an edible stress ball whilst giving you loads of useful energy.
    An added bonus is that walnuts are particularly good for improving your memory as they're full of omega 3 and polyphenols (also good for stress).
  2. Coconut​

    According to a recent study by Columbia University, the smell and taste of coconuts can help return your blood pressure to normal levels during times of stress.
    We're not really sure why that is, though. Maybe it's the totally tropical connotations? Grab yourself some coconut pieces or a coconut yoghurt to test out their theory.
  3. Asparagus​

    Bit of a weird one, but apparently since asparagus is packed full of vitamin B, it's the ideal snack for de-stressing.
    It does, however, turn your pee a funny colour, and we're not sure it's that practical a library snack. Worth bearing in mind anyway!


Pretty much all berries are packed with vitamin C which is good for loads of things, particularly reducing stress and keeping your immune system strong.
This is handy during exam period since, as we all know, this is the time when everyone around you starts getting sick (yourself included).
Berries can be expensive, but try buying boxes of them frozen from supermarkets and separating them into freezer bag portions when you get home, then you can take them out of the freezer each day.
  1. Bananas​

    Bananas are amazing for a number of reasons: For a start, they're full of vitamin B-6 which is great for producing happy hormones by boosting the serotonin levels in your body.
    Bananas also keep your blood pressure down and regulate your blood sugar levels, which will help prevent the feeling that the world is ending when the days before exam time start closing in. Keep calm and grab a banana!
    Watch out though – they do tend to ripen quite quickly! Make sure you store them properly to make them last longer.
  2. Dried fruit​

    Credit: Bergamont - Shutterstock
    They might look a bit weird and wrinkly, but dried fruits are really good for you, as they're full of fibre, iron, potassium and antioxidants.
    The only issue is that since they're all shrivelled up to 1/4 the size of a normal piece of fruit, they're easy to over-consume, so watch you stick to set portions!
  3. Oatmeal​

    Oats are really high in magnesium, vitamin B6 and potassium, making them great for combatting anxiety.
    Try making your own oatmeal flapjacks at home (with honey or agave syrup in place of sugar) and taking them to uni with you. They're a brilliant, slow-burning energy treat.
  4. Dark chocolate​

    Ok, ok, we know dark chocolate isn't exactly a naturally sweet snack, but so much research has shown that dark chocolate is good for you that we had to include it here.
    Not only will it satisfy any chocolate cravings you have, but it has also been proven to produce endorphins, increases blood flow to the brain and provides just the right amount of caffeine to give you a kick without making you crash.
    Although make sure you go for chocolate that's 70% cocoa and above (none of that sweet, milky stuff) and beware that small quantities are really important here – stick to nibbles!
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Choosing the right brain food during exam period will help you de-stress, sleep better and keep pennies in your pocket. We've researched the best options!

Credit: Dragon Images (left) - Shutterstock
When you're stuck in the library till late, it's tempting to grab a snack from the vending machine or library cafe to lower your stress levels with a quick sugar injection. However, not only will this burn a great big hole in your pocket, it's not great brain food either.

We've done some research into finding out which are the best foods to eat during times of high stress, and when you need to keep focused for long slogs of time.

It's crazy how much your diet can affect how you function when you've got deadlines approaching – eating the right foods can keep you motivated, healthy, and if you play it smart, comfortably within your weekly budget!

Feeling the deadline pressure? Our guide on how to revise in a day (and ace it!) will lend a helping hand, and if it's impending essay deadlines you're worried about – look no further.

Cheap revision snacks​

  1. Fresh veggie sticks​

    Credit: Yummy pic - Shutterstock
    Chop up some carrots, celery, cucumber or any other raw vegetable you fancy. Just make sure they're nice and fresh, making a ‘crunch’ sound when you bite into them (much to the annoyance of those sitting next to you, but who cares – you put up with their crisp munching!).
    These sorts of snacks are easy to carry around (you can even just stick them in a plastic food bag) and the process of biting into them actually works as a bit of stress relief in itself.
    When you feel the tension building up, don’t get angry at yourself for not revising earlier and spiral into a pit of despair – take it out on a carrot stick!
  2. Nuts​

    Nuts are full of good fats and magnesium, which helps keep cortisol (stress) levels low. Like the veggie sticks above, the physical distraction of munching on nuts one by one can work as an edible stress ball whilst giving you loads of useful energy.
    An added bonus is that walnuts are particularly good for improving your memory as they're full of omega 3 and polyphenols (also good for stress).
  3. Coconut​

    According to a recent study by Columbia University, the smell and taste of coconuts can help return your blood pressure to normal levels during times of stress.
    We're not really sure why that is, though. Maybe it's the totally tropical connotations? Grab yourself some coconut pieces or a coconut yoghurt to test out their theory.
  4. Asparagus​

    Bit of a weird one, but apparently since asparagus is packed full of vitamin B, it's the ideal snack for de-stressing.
    It does, however, turn your pee a funny colour, and we're not sure it's that practical a library snack. Worth bearing in mind anyway!
Stress getting the better of you, and snacks not hitting the spot? This guide should do the trick!
  1. Berries​

    Pretty much all berries are packed with vitamin C which is good for loads of things, particularly reducing stress and keeping your immune system strong.
    This is handy during exam period since, as we all know, this is the time when everyone around you starts getting sick (yourself included).
    Berries can be expensive, but try buying boxes of them frozen from supermarkets and separating them into freezer bag portions when you get home, then you can take them out of the freezer each day.
  2. Bananas​

    Bananas are amazing for a number of reasons: For a start, they're full of vitamin B-6 which is great for producing happy hormones by boosting the serotonin levels in your body.
    Bananas also keep your blood pressure down and regulate your blood sugar levels, which will help prevent the feeling that the world is ending when the days before exam time start closing in. Keep calm and grab a banana!
    Watch out though – they do tend to ripen quite quickly! Make sure you store them properly to make them last longer.
  3. Dried fruit​

    Credit: Bergamont - Shutterstock
    They might look a bit weird and wrinkly, but dried fruits are really good for you, as they're full of fibre, iron, potassium and antioxidants.
    The only issue is that since they're all shrivelled up to 1/4 the size of a normal piece of fruit, they're easy to over-consume, so watch you stick to set portions!
  4. Oatmeal​

    Oats are really high in magnesium, vitamin B6 and potassium, making them great for combatting anxiety.
    Try making your own oatmeal flapjacks at home (with honey or agave syrup in place of sugar) and taking them to uni with you. They're a brilliant, slow-burning energy treat.
  5. Dark chocolate​

    Ok, ok, we know dark chocolate isn't exactly a naturally sweet snack, but so much research has shown that dark chocolate is good for you that we had to include it here.
    Not only will it satisfy any chocolate cravings you have, but it has also been proven to produce endorphins, increases blood flow to the brain and provides just the right amount of caffeine to give you a kick without making you crash.
    Although make sure you go for chocolate that's 70% cocoa and above (none of that sweet, milky stuff) and beware that small quantities are really important here – stick to nibbles!