The advantage of working in private sector over civil service.


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Working for the private sector entails working for an organization owned by a private citizen while working for the civil service is simply working for an organization owned by the government. With all the allure of the Civil service, the private sector also has some edges over it. Let's get into it.

First is that the organized private sector offers better remuneration than the public sector. Entry-level jobs at multinational corporations pay more than civil service at the same level.

Secondly, the private sector offers more opportunities for career advancement than the civil service. The private sector does periodic training for its staff and even sends them abroad sometimes to be trained.

Another benefit of working for the private sector is that you are at liberty to switch between organizations at any point in time. When one is not working for you, you move to the next one.

These are the points that private-sector employment outdoes the public sector.
First, the training offered by the public sector is not as good as that provided by the private sector. The quality of training is dependent on the quality of workers, who are not always available in public institutions. The private sector also offers better facilities for students to study.

Second, in public service jobs you are often required to work long hours without any benefits such as health insurance or pension in some countries. In contrast, private sector companies offer perks such as company cars and holidays with pay.

Third, you can join a company of your choice from any part of India and work under different employers while in civil service jobs you cannot do so because you have to serve under one government department at a time. The disadvantage of working in private sector is that your job security is not as good as in civil service. If your company goes bankrupt, you could lose your job.
I honestly prefer working in civil service than working in a private sector in my country. In my country, civil workers are paid better than those working in the private sector. Most people struggle, some may even bribe their way through just to make sure they work in a civil service because it really pays.
Most times, private sector employees often over work their employees and at the end of the day, their pay is little. May while, government usually employ a lot of employees and their work load isn't too much. Both my parents are even civil workers. In my country, civil workers are often more appreciated than those working in the private sector. Government usually gives civil workers a bonus or the day off during holidays or festive periods but private sector workers don't often get to enjoy these benefits.