The Accountant’s Communication Skills


Accountants spend a very great part of every working
day communicating in a bid to discharge his/her duty.
(Lyons, 1994).

It has been discovered that there are five core
communication skills that an accountant needs. They




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What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is also known as emotional quotient

It is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own
emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate
effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and
defuse conflict.

Given that you are not the only word in the world and that your
career depends on constant delivery to others, EI is the tool for
mediating and moderating the relationship between self and

In your career, your Intelligence quotient (IQ) is like the passcode
to the room but your emotional intelligence determines how you
meander and enjoy the goodies in the treasure box.

Scholars have argued that there are five components of EI.


It is the the ability to recognize an emotion as it happens whether within or
without you.

There are four components of self-awareness namely, emotional awareness,
realistic self-assessment, self-confidence, and self-deprecation.

Emotional awareness is the prompt recognition of the effusion of the emotions
of self and others as well as their effects.

You have your emotions just others have theirs too. Hence, you should be able
to recognize these emotions when they begin to rear their heads.

It is like the place of your eyes when driving. Ability to recognize the different
traffic light signs helps you avoid being on the wrong side of traffic laws.

Realistic self-assessment is your ability to subject yourself, actions, and
emotions to review in a bid to know your strengths, weaknesses and areas for

Self-confidence is the belief in one-self. The belief in yourself is impossible if
you have not done a realistic self-assessment of self.