The 3 Macronutrients Your Body Needs Most

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A diet is a delicate balance of micronutrients and macronutrients. They are both essential but not in the same way, and a good diet will have a balance of both, to ensure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals and that you can also use energy effectively.
Macronutrients are classified into three groups. These are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Each of these serves a valuable purpose in the body and knowing how to balance them is vital for your health.

1. Protein plays a big role throughout your entire body. It helps build and repair cells, organs, and muscles. You can get protein from meat, eggs, and nuts.

2. Fats help you absorb vitamins and minerals, build cells and nerves, store energy from food you eat, and protect your organs from damage.

3. Carbohydrates fuel your brain and body by giving you energy to do everything from breathing to running a marathon and everything in between! When it comes to carbs, you want to make sure you're eating less processed foods like sugar that don't actually provide nutritional value to your body.