Talent Management from human resources point of view


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The HR department is responsible for the hiring, development and retention of employees. It also has a responsibility to manage the relationship between employees and employers. The HR department plays an important role in talent management from a human resources point of view.

In order to be successful with talent management, it’s important that you understand how your organization operates and what its goals are. You need to know what motivates people at work and whether there are any specific skills or personality traits that would make them thrive in your company.

The HR manager should also have a good understanding of how people work, because this will help him better evaluate why certain people are getting promoted and others aren’t. If someone hasn’t gotten promoted because he isn’t a strong team player, then perhaps he should be doing something else instead of being an employee at all.

A good manager will also know how much time people need to spend on their job and when they can take time off without getting penalized. This will help you determine if they can handle more responsibilities or not.