Some Dry Fruits Can Improve Eyesight, Even Without Glasses.


Dry fruits have been used for centuries to treat eye ailments, and they are still commonly used in many parts of the world.

Nowadays, dry fruits such as figs, dates, raisins, and apricots are often used to treat vision problems without glasses. According to a study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, these dry fruits can improve eyesight even without glasses.

The study was conducted on 60 people aged between 20 and 60 years old who suffered from poor vision due to cataracts or other eye diseases. The participants were randomly divided into three groups: one group received dry fruits as treatment; another group received a placebo; and the third group received no treatment at all. The researchers tested each participant's ocular motor function using an eye-tracking device called a GazeLink 3000 Vision Analyzer (Purkinje Cells, Inc.). They found that after consuming two servings of dried fruit per day for three consecutive days, their visual performance improved significantly compared with those who didn't receive any treatment at all!