Smart things to do when you have an unhappy customer


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Attend to criticism.
When a consumer is dissatisfied, it is best to pay attention to their suggestions. This can enable you to determine whether you were a bad fit for one another from the start, spot sales and marketing chances, or figure out how to improve your product or service.

Give Them Room To Vent.
Meet with them right away, pay attention to what they have to say, and resist the need to defend your company. Their opinions of your company will change if you give them the chance to complain and feel understood. Additionally, it's possible that you'll receive some helpful, free recommendations regarding flaws in your company that need to be fixed.

Demonstrate Your Willingness To Fix Things.
It's critical to keep in mind that each consumer presents an opportunity. You can change a bad experience into a good one by taking the time to listen to the customer's complaints and professionally resolve them.
It is important to apply diplomacy when dealing with a dissatisfied customer. I know some customers can be edgy and that can be very difficult to deal with. Whether it is a genuine concern or it is just tantrums, you would need to use diplomacy to handle such a customer.

Assure him/ her of your continuous commitment to always give every customer a satisfying experience. Apologize for the inconveniences and bad experience of the customer. If possible, make a replacement or offer incentives in future orders. Deliver on these incentives and you would turn the bad experience into a pleasant one.

Don't insult a customer because that is very wrong. That's why you need patience to succeed in business. As a business person, I have had to handle unsatisfied customers and I only used diplomacy. Some of those customers that had bad experiences are now my close friends and allies.