Simple money saving strategy


New member
To save money is about having discipline and self control on your way of spending and also overseeing your flow of once to determine how you can save some percentage and have some percentage to spend and you should spend money on irrelevancies but money should be focused on what you need and not your wants. Always save more percentage which will come in handy in future


VIP Contributor
Yeah , the difference between having money and not having is just high spending. because I know that a lot of people hustle and make money daily but the issue is always spending it. You can't imagine labourers making like 3k daily in my country but still remain very poor. Why ? because their spending daily suprsedes the income.

The simple rule of life I have learned about money making and still being poor is that, when once you spend more than your income daily, you would always be broke. This is just the truth. If you want to live above an average life then you need to cut down on frivolities.

Nobody is against having the good things of life, but you must try to increase your income before doing that. The more income the more you can increase your spending but if not just live within your means and keep working hard.


VIP Contributor
There are many ways money can be saved these days. The first thing to do is to have the determination that he or she wants to save money. This determination will go a long way in making sure that we keep to our aim of saving more as we aspire.

Then we need to be disciplined. To be honest, human's wants and needs are unlimited. There is no way human being will go out on a daily basis without seeing things to buy. So if one is not well disciplined, there is tendency that one may end up spending one's money.

There is need to know the difference between needs and wants. This may also help us to economize our spending. We need to prioritize our needs and learn how to forgo our wants. With this, we will have more to save.

We should also endeavour to source more sources of getting much money. Some people are not saving because they have just one source of income. And the fact is that the money is not even enough let alone saving from it.

In conclusion, one must make sure there is something attached to the money. This may engender us not to give up.


VIP Contributor
Everything starts from the mind. Eveen if you own millions, you can't still save money if you are not determined. If you want to save money, it's important to be disciplined and set aside a certain amount of money each month. If you don't have an emergency fund, start with that. Then build up your savings account.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

Set up automatic transfers from your checking account into a savings or money market account. This is the easiest way to save without thinking about it too hard. You can schedule the transfer for once a week or once a month — whatever works best for your budget.

Make sure you're not spending money you don't have. Before you make any big purchases, check your bank balance so there won't be any surprises down the road. That way, if you're out of cash at the end of the month and need to put something on credit card, it won't be an emergency situation because you already know about it ahead of time.

Think about how much money you'll need for emergencies — things like car repairs or medical bills — and set aside some funds for those situations as well as other unexpected expenses like travel costs or gifts for birthdays and holidays.