Should i feel guilty? change my pricing?


New member
So I have been using a site called AppyMakr to make apps and selling them on a business website I made.

Basically it's super simple wix styled no code development and have been charging customers thousands for app development.

It allows you to make apps for £29 a month so it costs me very little and it works both iOS and android and is HQ.

I have been
1 - selling them on fiverr
2 - I have a website for a web dev company and have charged 2 clients over $1000 for an app that
took me less than 20 minutes to make.
My question is, do you think this is ethical? should i be more transparent with my pricing/costs, and/or should i lower my prices for my web clients, even if they are happy with what is delivered?
Using a platform like AppyMakr for app development can be efficient, but ethical concerns arise when you charge significantly more without transparency. To maintain ethical practices, consider being upfront about your tools and costs, and perhaps reevaluate your pricing for web clients, ensuring fairness and value alignment with your services.
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In today's digital age, YouTube has become a powerful platform for individuals and businesses alike to showcase their talent, products, and services. With millions of active users and countless videos being uploaded every day, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. That's where "Famups" comes in. As a trusted brand in the industry, "Famups" offers a reliable solution to help you gain more visibility and credibility on YouTube by allowing you to buy YouTube subscribers.
Making bank with AppyMakr, nice hustle. As for ethics, it's a gray area. If your clients are cool with the price and happy with the product, you might be good. Transparency never hurts, though. Maybe consider being upfront about the tools you use and how it keeps costs down. As for lowering prices, if your clients are satisfied, why fix what ain't broke?
I don't think there's anything wrong with charging your clients but you should be reasonable with it. But then if your clients are good with the price of your app. Then you go ahead with it. I'm sure they know the worth of it that's why they re still buying from you But you should try and have price differently for people. Sell at a cheaper price for those that don't have money but also really want to use the app
When Apple stopped giving away chargers along with iPhone and started selling their mobile chargers, did the company think about ethics and morality in the business? When big businesses like Apple can get away with things like these, why should a seller like you worry about ethics? As long as people are willing to pay you thousand dollars for an app you developed from a site just by paying $29, I do bot think you should worry about ethics in your business practice. I believe you are good to go.