saving as a mean of having capital


New member
saving must be an attitude of a business man sometimes people spend money because they think is just a small amount of money but not to their knowing that it can be kept and I will serve as a source of getting money to start your own business

and also you to learn how to keep money by yourself not giving someone to hold it or save it for you because as you start your business not all times you will get the individual you gave that money to and you may need it

avoid careless walking around with money with you because when that money is with you the feeling of spending the money may arise which will cause you not to save
Saving as a mean of having capital is a common practice among business owners.

It's important for you to consider saving money as a part of your plan for building wealth and establishing yourself as an entrepreneur.

You need to know that saving money is not just about being responsible with your finances, but it's also about protecting your future. Saving money can help you get over any financial hurdles that might come up in the future, or even prepare yourself for the unexpected.

The best way to save is by setting aside a certain amount of money every month (or every paycheck) into an account where you can access it at any time. This way, you don't have to worry about forgetting or not having enough money when you need it most. It also means that you won't spend all of your savings when something unexpected happens like if someone loses their job or there are other financial troubles--and then have nothing left over at the end of the month!
This is the only type of saving I can identify with, which is saving toward a goal, if you are starting from scratch there are a lot of hurdles you have to overcome to be able to start making an income, this can be struggling to get a job, or maybe even doing menial work in the streets to be able to make a living, the moment your ball start rolling, change the game for yourself by upgrading to something easier that makes you more, a typical example should be if you are earning for a get to post forum, your goal should be starting a blog or a youtube channel, monetizing it and making it profitable, with this you have reduced the time you spend working and you are also on your way to passive income, after that you can then look into creating a course or starting a patreon etc.
Saving money is often seen as a means of having capital to invest or spend later on. While this is true, saving money can also be a way of building up capital in itself.

Saving money regularly, even if it’s just a small amount, can add up over time. The more you save, the more capital you’ll have to work with. And if you keep your money in a savings account or another type of investment, it will grow even more.

Of course, you can’t just save money and expect it to grow on its own. You need to be smart about how you save and invest your money. But if you are diligent about saving, you can end up with a nice nest egg of capital that can be used for a variety of purposes.
Actually I practice this but along the line I had to use the money for an urgent need, this is one of the major reason why saving is good, have a goal and strive hard to achieve it. If you have an offline source of income that generates you a good income,and help you sort your bills and basic needs,then it's good to save your online money as a capital,if you are the type that is business minded.

You can also save as a means of investment, saving is really good and it's advisable to have a goal, because when you have a goal in mind then be rest assured that your savings will add up to the desired stage you want in no time. My initial plan was to save up the money I earn here on trendri as a capital to start up a business and I hope I achieve my aim in no time.
In the world today where accessing funds to use as capital to start your business is very difficult, you have no other option but to save if you are serious about being an entrepreneur. Unless you have a sponsor who is willing to give you capital to start your business, savings is important if you don't. I know of people that did not have anything like capital to push their business dreams, they took small jobs, raised capital by saving their pay from the work, and today they are mega businesses.

Even after you establish your business, no one is going to give you money to expand it. You must save a part of your profit and plow back in the business. If you depend on loans to expand, then you would pay interest. Whereas saving up is far cheaper. As a business person, you should adopt the attitude of savings.