Remedies for curing cough


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The use of honey to treat cough when mixed with warm water and have it is a good idea when you want to kill off all you have to do is mix this mixture once or twice in a day and it is effective and fast we can also use ginger as well as ginger helps to ease a dry or asthmatic cough because of the anti-inflammatory properties that it has it also helps to relieve nausea and pain he just have to put a fresh ginger slice into a cup of ice water then allow it to steep for a few minutes before you drink it then your heart honey or lemon juice so as to improve the test and father shoots a cough when you are hydrated as well it can also helps to reduce the cough like drinking hot beverages like about t1 water1st juice decaffeinated black tea and clear broth steaming also helps us in curing cough like taking a hot shower or b or drinking a glass of hot water.
salt water gargle is also one of the best method that you can use to treat cough he just have to let the mixture sit at the back of your throat for few minutes before spitting it out