Reasons why it could be hard to obtain skilled personnels.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Skilled personnel can be hard to obtain for various reasons, including:

HIGH DEMAND: The demand for skilled personnel is often driven by the growth and evolution of industries, new technological advancements, and changing market conditions. When there is high demand for a particular skill, the pool of available talent may become limited, making it difficult to find and hire the right person for the job.

COMPETITION: Companies often compete for the same pool of skilled workers, which can drive up salaries and make it more difficult to attract and retain the best talent. This competition can also result in a bidding war for the most in-demand skills, making it harder for companies to afford the cost of hiring and retaining skilled personnel.

LACK OF QUALIFIED CANDIDATES: In some cases, there may simply not be enough qualified candidates to meet the demand for certain skills, particularly in emerging fields or high-growth industries. This can be due to factors such as a lack of education and training programs, low enrollment in relevant degree programs, or a lack of investment in skill development initiatives.

RETENTION CHALLENGES: Once a company has hired skilled personnel, retaining them can be a challenge, especially if they receive better offers from other companies. To retain skilled workers, companies may need to offer competitive salaries, benefits, and opportunities for professional growth and advancement.

SKILL OBSOLESCENCE: As technology and industries change, the skills that are in demand can change as well, making it difficult to find personnel with the right combination of skills. Companies need to stay up-to-date on the skills that are in demand and invest in continuous learning and development programs for their employees to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why skilled personnel can be difficult to obtain, but companies can take steps to mitigate these challenges and attract and retain the best talent by offering competitive compensation, benefits, and opportunities for professional growth and advancement.
Talent shortage: There may be a shortage of qualified individuals in the specific field or industry, making it difficult to find the right fit for a company.

Competition: Many companies may be looking to hire the same type of skilled personnel, increasing the competition for a limited pool of qualified candidates.

High demand: Skilled workers in certain fields may have multiple job offers, giving them the ability to choose the best offer or negotiate for better salaries and benefits.

Changing job market: The rapid pace of technological change and automation has led to shifts in the job market, making it difficult for companies to find individuals with the necessary skills.

Geographical constraints: Some areas may have a limited pool of qualified candidates, making it challenging for companies to find the right fit.

Hiring restrictions: Government regulations and immigration laws can also limit a company's ability to hire foreign workers or workers from other regions.

Cost: Hiring and training skilled personnel can be expensive, and some companies may not have the resources to attract or retain top talent.
Majority of business organisations and commercial Enterprises are finding it hard to recruit and employ qualified employees however this is due to some certain factors and reasons that must have caught the low rates and a low possibility for a business organisation or commercial Enterprise to employee and recruit good and effective behaving qualified employees. For example the cost of actually acquiring them may absolutely be high. Indeed some qualified employees stand a no chance to subject to business organisations but instead the business organisation should be in subject to them however they are cost for them to come work in a business organisation may absolutely be high.

Ineffectivity of various school of thoughts and School of education in producing qualified individuals in various careers and jobs sector could also be the main reason why obtaining qualified individuals today would be hard. School of education's nowadays have low quality level of tutoring their students however this makes their intellectuality to be low and however they remain unqualified.