Reasons for Home warranty in real estate contract


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A home buyer will need a discounted price for replacement service or discounted repair on some home components. So a home warranty company needs to provide this service to the homeowner for some fees. So it is good for a home owner to go for this service in a real estate contract so that the repairs will be covered by a warranty contract

So what are the reasons for home warranty in real estate contract?

Protection against unforeseen repairs bills

One reason is fir the provision of quick replacement or repairs of expensive and unforeseen repair bills

Peace of mind for the buyer

The homeowner will still have peace of mind even without any emergency funds in place as a home warranty suffice.

Less repairs or replacement stress for a home buyer

The warranty company will just source for a better service providers to examine the problem and if it under or covered by their warranty then work will commence. This will make everything less stressful for the home owner.