Potential use cases of Ml and blockchain combination


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Sadly, most technology, like 3d printing or AI is often thrown at the most simple problems, like marketing for AI or printing toys for 3d printers. Blockchain is a ledger and great for tracking money. But it can also track other things that require a lot of effort to track. 3d printers took a while to be used for the benefit of society. do data scientists really want to build a better marketing algorithm to sell 5% for widgets? I think we would rather use our time to find the next combination of chemicals/items that would solve world problems. Could we find the optimal road layout to reduce wrecks or increase the durability of roads to save us billions. Could we use AI to re-plan food distribution and farming to reduce chemical and fertilizer pollution and regrow our forest and grass lands without overgrazing. Is there an optimal population per square mile? What amount of properly cultivated land could sustain a family without environment harm? Could we find these answer if we had more data, yes we could. It wasn't until we saw the change in yellow stone with the introduction of predators and the reduction of overgrazing of herd animals did we realize we have been mismanaging nature. What other areas of our life could we track with blockchain then analyze with AI to make ground breaking discoveries?