Possible career prospects for a degree in fine arts. Part 1.


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Before now, the only career prospect for someone that studied or is studying fine arts was just to be a hopeless artist. That has changed though as there are better prospects to build a career for people studying or who studied Fine Arts. Below are the modern prospects for someone that studied Fine Arts and knows his onions.

1) Illustrator: As a fine artist, you could be contacted by publishers, and advertisers to create arts that would drive home their marketing and advertising messages.

2) Graphics Designer: As a fine artist, you can create logos and branding materials with arts for companies and brands. A marriage between arts proficiency and graphics software makes a top class graphics designer.

3) Animator: No one makes a fine animator more than a fine artist who understands the rudiments of artistry. Most animators that are making waves are fine artists.

These are the careers available for a fine artist. Stick out for part 2 of this post.