Opay app is one of the best to use to save money


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Hey buddy, opay app is one of the best app that is use to save money and also use to invest. Check out their Owealth
The OPay App includes a savings and investment platform called OWealth that lets you store some or all of your OPay funds in exchange for daily interest payments. The fixed yearly interest rate of 15% is advantageous when compared to the maximum rate of 6% that any Nigerian bank can provide.

Any quantity of money can be saved by investors through the OWealth investment channel. You can continue for the entire year or longer, or you can take your money out whenever you like. This article will be very helpful to investors because we go into detail about everything you need to know about OWealth (An investment scheme by OPay).

Let's examine the profitability and advantage of OWealth Investment over banks using facts and data.

Illustration of OWealth
If, for example, Man A invests N2,000,000 in OWealth and Man B invests N2,000,000 in a bank (a bank that provides high investment returns of 6%), both investments are made for a period of one year.

Man A can withdraw N2,200,000 in total at the end of the year, having earned a 10% profit of N200,000.

Man B can withdraw N2,120,000 in total at the end of the year, having generated a N120,000 profit.