No this if you intend to establish a restaurant business.


VIP Contributor
The establishment of a restaurant is absolutely one of the most common establishments in most regions of west Africa and there is possibly no streets of major rule that you would enter that you will not see either a restaurant or possibly and eatery . The most commonly been seen in the establishment of restaurants in some areas is that some business owners established it wrongly . And what they do nowadays is that the restaurant business seems to have bad customer service and they do not regard their customers as anything but they only regard their income as something .

The ability for you to succeed as a restaurant business owner totally depends on the management of the business and to be able to manage a restaurant business you must have the requisite authority and ability to do so . Remember running a business is absolutely based on how to cut down cost but also improve profit . In order to improve profits you must have good and nice customer service . Followed by the truth that you have to employ the best out of the best workers of cooks and chef in your restaurant business . Your customers and clients also should be satisfied and comfortable when patronizing you and that definitely have to do with the beautification of the restaurant outlet . These are little tapes that you should take note if you intend to establish a restaurant business .


VIP Contributor
There is actually no establishment of a business of any kind that we do not have to plan and know what we have to face before the establishment of the business and same is also applied to the establishment of a restaurant business . First of all a restaurant business is absolutely a very profitable business mostly if established on the right grounds and on the right foundation and in order to make sure that your business is been established on the right grounds and foundation it is absolutely advice that you consider some factors that identify if a particular restaurant business will definitely be profitable which includes the location of the business and how we should treat your customers .

A restaurant business should be established in an area with higher population because it is assumed that the higher the population in which a restaurant business is being established the higher the ability or the possibility for the restaurant business to make profit . Secondly you must endeavour to satisfy your customers by giving them what they need that is to cook palacious and commendable Meals and dish that is attractive , inviting and worth returning back for .


Active member
At the university I attended, they offered a degree in hotel and restaurant management. If you are serious about running a restaurant, but you don't want to go to university, you should get some kind of training and work experience first. If you have decided and you have the money to get started, be extra sure that understand your government's health and public safety regulations. In USA, they have people who inspect restaurants to make sure the place is safe and clean. They give them ratings and they publish the ratings so that the public will know.