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In the last year or so, podcasts have proliferated (Meaning it's increasing in rapid numbers) across the Internet. I've discovered podcasts on everything from the latest tech gadgets to gardening advice Though i don't listen to them, i just listen to millennials and internet marketers who share tips of success on different platforms Approximately they are millions of listeners and new people listening to podcasts every day, now is an excellent time to start your own and make some money along the way, Yeap, i know someone who is doing this and making a lot of money

So far, podcasts sound a lot like Internet Talk Radio Shows, don't they? (I heard that on a podcast actually lol, it's funny how information is passed... There are many similarities between the two, but there are also many differences. Podcasts are not as well-structured as Internet Talk Radio shows. A podcast has a very casual tone. Podcasts are typically found on blogs, but they are also available for automatic download to your MP3 player via RSS i have downloaded a few podcast sessions from garyvee oh and personal highlight, i got to ask grant Cardone a question on a public podcast on clubhouse. Podcasts do not always feature guests. The host of the podcasts does the majority of the talking. Podcasts can be as short or as long as a talk radio show, and their length can vary from one show to the next.