Networking as a Bridge to Career Growth and Success.


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When we talk about networking in the sense of career growth, we are talking about a system where a person builds professional relationships with people in his career or related careers. These relationships often have the ability to catalyse a person very high on the career growth curve. Many people have declared themselves certified loners in the career ecosystem and don't bother about building any kind of relationships in their career journey. Why is it important to network as a working class person?

1) Network can help you to gain knowledge and expertise from your co workers. You can easily reach out to your network to show you how to accomplish difficult tasks related to your job and career. By so doing, you get to learn and improve yourself everyday.

2) Your network can help you to be easily identified and recognised while getting you referrals. By networking with co professionals in your field, others that might need your service would be able to identify you as a pro in that career. And your network can easily refer you when there is a need for someone to fill a void elsewhere.

It is important for every professional to have a huge network of co professionals.