negative effect that my result from partnership business


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In a business one could engage either a sole proprietorship, partnership, public business and each of them has their different management and how the are controlled and run.

In a sole proprietorship business it is usually run by a single individual who oversees all the good and bad going on in the business, where as in partnership business two or more individuals control how such business such be run, while in public business the movement over see the running of such business and also each of them has some negative effect that affect them all but we will focus on the partnership business well in Nigeria this type of business is not really rampant majority of people want to control their business because of some negative effect that exist in this form of ownership this could include:

Conflict could result in this form of ownership, most times when the is a misunderstanding in agreement this could even lead to filing a case.

Another one is choice every individuals have different choice and at most times when their choice are not colliding it could cause disagreement.

Most times death may result and this could cause such business to collapse.