Earn Money My strategy to make over 400 dollars in ShrinkMe.io


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ShrinkMe is good and legit site where we can make money by shorten link. There are a lot of this kind of site available in internet and most of them is the legit site. I choose this site because the CPM is very high. The review of this site also very good, you can check manually in trustpillot. I start join this site since 2020 and I made over 400 dollars.
The truth is not easy to make money in any of short links site, because it's require 1000 clicks before we can generate money. But if you understand the process and make a perfect execution you can make huge amount of money in this site. Well, the first thing you need to do after sign up is looking for the trending topics. For example this July 2021 I'm sure the most trending topics is about highly decreasing of bitcoin and another cryptocurrency. Now you must find video on you tube that related about this topics, then you must join any groups about cryptocurrency. Copy that video url and short the link in your shrinkme account.

Don't directly share your shorten link in the group, other wise no body will click your link. You must make a good engage to each of the members of the group, then find the right time to share your link. This is just an example, I'm sure you guys smarter than me.
I never knew people make that much from Shrinkme. I think I may give a try if I can really make some money from it.
People are making tons of cash from shortlinks. But best way I have come across so far is through having your own website. If you have a website like a faucet site and you enable people to do shortlinks and you pay them Satoshi for doing so.....you will make enough cash from that. You just need to make your website go viral.
I've been following your posts lately and it seems that you are really making a whole lot of money on the internet and I would like to learn a lot of things from you. I ventured into ad.fly last year which is similar to this particular platform but I could not make any reasonable amount of money because I never knew how to really promote the links on social media platforms.
I never knew people make that much from Shrinkme. I think I may give a try if I can really make some money from it.
If you doing it seriously you make money in any site as long it's legit. Also you should know the correct way to do the job and put a little hard work. At the first time I join this site, I think it's impossible to make money there. But I keep try to learn from another expert person and finally I can generate some income.
People are making tons of cash from shortlinks. But best way I have come across so far is through having your own website. If you have a website like a faucet site and you enable people to do shortlinks and you pay them Satoshi for doing so.....you will make enough cash from that. You just need to make your website go viral.
Well, actually I plant to do that as well. Create a faucet website and add our short link, make people to click on it. I'm sure that's gonna be a good idea, I'm thinking this since a long time ago. The problem is I don't how to start it, what tools I should prepare and who I should ask. Those question make me pending that plan.
I've been following your posts lately and it seems that you are really making a whole lot of money on the internet and I would like to learn a lot of things from you. I ventured into ad.fly last year which is similar to this particular platform but I could not make any reasonable amount of money because I never knew how to really promote the links on social media platforms.
Actually since my primary job pending because of this pandemic, I push my self to make money and earn more than my usual salary. That's way I do whatever I can do to make money online. The truth is not that easy to do it. Sometimes I also failed, I mean get fooled by scam site. But I'm thinking it as a lesson for me.
ShrinkMe is good and legit site where we can make money by shorten link. There are a lot of this kind of site available in internet and most of them is the legit site. I choose this site because the CPM is very high. The review of this site also very good, you can check manually in trustpillot. I start join this site since 2020 and I made over 400 dollars.
The truth is not easy to make money in any of short links site, because it's require 1000 clicks before we can generate money. But if you understand the process and make a perfect execution you can make huge amount of money in this site. Well, the first thing you need to do after sign up is looking for the trending topics. For example this July 2021 I'm sure the most trending topics is about highly decreasing of bitcoin and another cryptocurrency. Now you must find video on you tube that related about this topics, then you must join any groups about cryptocurrency. Copy that video url and short the link in your shrinkme account.

Don't directly share your shorten link in the group, other wise no body will click your link. You must make a good engage to each of the members of the group, then find the right time to share your link. This is just an example, I'm sure you guys smarter than me.
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Yes shrikeme.io is a legit site I personally have earned few bucks there but I gave up on it because when you send someone link, nobody wants to click it and of course you can't tell people to video. It needs to be a surprise to them. Inyru to go back to it and be more consistent, I think that is where I went wrong. Your strategy is the exact same thing I do and it works, but I put it aside but now you've uplifted my spirit to work on it again.
ShrinkMe is good and legit site where we can make money by shorten link. There are a lot of this kind of site available in internet and most of them is the legit site. I choose this site because the CPM is very high. The review of this site also very good, you can check manually in trustpillot. I start join this site since 2020 and I made over 400 dollars.
The truth is not easy to make money in any of short links site, because it's require 1000 clicks before we can generate money. But if you understand the process and make a perfect execution you can make huge amount of money in this site. Well, the first thing you need to do after sign up is looking for the trending topics. For example this July 2021 I'm sure the most trending topics is about highly decreasing of bitcoin and another cryptocurrency. Now you must find video on you tube that related about this topics, then you must join any groups about cryptocurrency. Copy that video url and short the link in your shrinkme account.

Don't directly share your shorten link in the group, other wise no body will click your link. You must make a good engage to each of the members of the group, then find the right time to share your link. This is just an example, I'm sure you guys smarter than me.
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I registered to this shorten link site but it is difficult for me to make money with it because you have to target special people from special country. For instance, you have to get 1000 people from the Unite States to clink on your link before you earn maybe $10 or so.
Yes shrikeme.io is a legit site I personally have earned few bucks there but I gave up on it because when you send someone link, nobody wants to click it and of course you can't tell people to video. It needs to be a surprise to them. Inyru to go back to it and be more consistent, I think that is where I went wrong. Your strategy is the exact same thing I do and it works, but I put it aside but now you've uplifted my spirit to work on it again.
This site is an old site and paid their members until now. For me the strategy to choose topics here is the greatest way to make people click our link. We should really aware about what is the trending topics currently. After we found it, now we should think the right time to share our link.
I registered to this shorten link site but it is difficult for me to make money with it because you have to target special people from special country. For instance, you have to get 1000 people from the Unite States to clink on your link before you earn maybe $10 or so.
As I said in my post, it's not easy to make money thorough short links. We need to put hard work and be very smart. Actually you right, we need 1000 clicks before we can generate some money and if think 1000 clicks is difficult to reach, then you should target 5000 clicks. That's what I'm doing when I work in this site.