Managing feedbacks as business owners.


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Business owners must always prefer for different feedbacks. While some customers may genuinely give you feddsncks, other may even give you feedback just for fun. The important thing to notice in either of the two is to decide which is negative and which is positive and try to work harder to work on the feedbacks.
Getting positive feedback should not be major focus of a good business man or woman but should be the target. Positive feedback at times can make a business woman or man feel free and bit think on new innovation or another better way of improving his or her products.
But when a business man or woman receives negative feedbacks, there is tendency that he works better for the improvement. He will not want to be receiving negative feedback for life, so he will sit tight and think of neyyer ideas and ways of doing it in a better way.
Whats your thought on that. Do you think negative feedback helps than negative feedback?
Business approach determines that positive customer reviews must to be obtained when it comes to prosper the business in the concerned industry. reviews helps in gaining popularity and also assists in analyzing the issues or problems faced by the customers to further improve the services for the customers, which remains the prior most desire of the businesses. Every positive review adds authenticity to your work and helps you stand as a unique service provider among others.
Business approach determines that positive customer reviews must to be obtained when it comes to prosper the business in the concerned industry. reviews helps in gaining popularity and also assists in analyzing the issues or problems faced by the customers to further improve the services for the customers, which remains the prior most desire of the businesses. Every positive review adds authenticity to your work and helps you stand as a unique service provider among others.
You are right and I respect your opinion but don't you think too many positive feedback won't give the company more access to improve on their goods and products. If people keep praising them or telling them good things about the products, they may feel relax. But if it is negative comments, they will try to adjust in order to be getting positive replies too. I don't know you try to understand what I am trying to say. I know positive replies promote the image of the business but I am taking about the products. There must be some critique that will gear towards making the company soar up to avoid the negative comments.
Business owners must always prefer for different feedbacks. While some customers may genuinely give you feddsncks, other may even give you feedback just for fun. The important thing to notice in either of the two is to decide which is negative and which is positive and try to work harder to work on the feedbacks.
Getting positive feedback should not be major focus of a good business man or woman but should be the target. Positive feedback at times can make a business woman or man feel free and bit think on new innovation or another better way of improving his or her products.
But when a business man or woman receives negative feedbacks, there is tendency that he works better for the improvement. He will not want to be receiving negative feedback for life, so he will sit tight and think of neyyer ideas and ways of doing it in a better way.
Whats your thought on that. Do you think negative feedback helps than negative feedback?
Paying keen attention to feedbacks from customers is very important for the growth of your business. I quite agree with your submission that some feedbacks are not genuine because it was made for the fun of it, but, some are genuinely made and when the entrepreneur take such reviews serious it helps the company to know where there are loopholes where they need to make amendment in order to satisfy their customers better and enjoy greater patronage.
There is a quote I heard somewhere which goes as “ feedback is the meal of champions”. If business owners are going to succeed in business, then they would need constant feedback from their customers. They should not try to defend any feedback they receive, either positive or negative rather business owners should try and work on the feedback received. There are different methods I which customers can use to give feedback, there what we call feedback sandwich. It involves three steps in giving feedback and they are;
1. First start off with praising the services rendered or goods sold.
2. Provide constructive criticism.
3. Then give more praises to the services rendered or goods sold.
Important of feedback in business is as important as the blood is to the body. Feedback is a way of knowing how well the business is serving the customers. An feedback will help you to know where you need to address so that your business will grow.
Feedback some time may help you to be better that your competitors.And this can also help you making good profit.
Business owners must always prefer for different feedbacks. While some customers may genuinely give you feddsncks, other may even give you feedback just for fun. The important thing to notice in either of the two is to decide which is negative and which is positive and try to work harder to work on the feedbacks.
Getting positive feedback should not be major focus of a good business man or woman but should be the target. Positive feedback at times can make a business woman or man feel free and bit think on new innovation or another better way of improving his or her products.
But when a business man or woman receives negative feedbacks, there is tendency that he works better for the improvement. He will not want to be receiving negative feedback for life, so he will sit tight and think of neyyer ideas and ways of doing it in a better way.
Whats your thought on that. Do you think negative feedback helps than negative feedback?
Managing feedbacks is very important for every company, alot of people who get angry over things that they probably don't understand or maybe a products that it's operations that was not properly communicated and most especially when it cost them money to purchase, they could be very angry and leave some criticism, every serious business owner must endeavour to reach out to his grieving clients and find how to help them resolve the challenges that his clients are facing, whosoever that must take up this responsibility must have a high level of tolerance and show empathy in order not to make a bad situation worse.
Feedbacks in important in every business. If you sell goods or services you want to hear from people that have patronised you about their experience with you. Although it is important it should not be treated too seriously. A negative feedback does not mean something is necessarily wrong, know that you cannot satisfy everyone equally. If out of ten feedbacks you are able to get 7 positive ones that that is okay. You can scrutinize yourself though and see where you can improve.
The satisfaction of customer is one of the top priority of a business owner that is why feedback is very necessary a good business owner who is interested in the success of his business should take customers feedback very seriously so he will know what to do and how to improve the quality of his or her goods or services in order to satisfy the customer. survey is also another way in which a business owner can get feedbacks about their products.