Managing Brand Equity


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Aaker outlines the concept of brand equity in an accessible way and provides a clear structure for managing it. Aaker argues that a brand must be able to create a lasting relationship between its symbol, slogan, and other factors. The relationship should be managed carefully and be consistent across all media and all levels of the company. In this article, we look at the relationship between the three elements. Here, we look at the importance of a symbol and its role in brand equity.

Brand equity is the result of customer loyalty to a particular brand. The strength of the brand can be measured for accounting purposes or when purchasing another company. Moreover, if you are considering buying another business, you should know how to measure the value of brand equity. Strategic motivation is one of the best methods to boost marketing productivity. Here are some of the ways to manage brand equities: stratégique motivating employees. People who are rewarded for their efforts will be more likely to keep going.

Managing brand equity is critical to the long-term success of a company. If a firm sells multiple brands in different markets, a strategic view of brand equity is imperative. A strategic vision of the business and the product portfolio will determine the best mix of brands and product portfolios. A company's brand must be managed across target markets, geographical boundaries, and other factors. In addition, brands must be consistently positive in each market, regardless of size.

To manage brand equity, marketers need to think long-term. While many companies focus on short-term objectives, these programs may have detrimental effects on the brand's long-term viability. For example, Proctor & Gamble is testing a system of everyday low prices. This new strategy will help the company move away from the coupon system. The company believes that coupons have become a part of consumers' culture, destroying brand loyalty. Similarly, a company needs to understand the lifecycle of its brand to successfully manage its brand's brand equity.

In addition to developing strong product and service brands, a company should also be able to create a strong brand image. The brand must be able to attract and retain customers. A company should not only be able to sell products, but it must also be able to create an image that is perceived as being trustworthy. In other words, it must have a clear vision for its products and its brand. Having a good vision for its product and brand can help a business manage its brand equity effectively.

Managing brand equity is a complex process. Despite the importance of identifying and establishing brand equity, the most successful companies in the world are those that have developed a consistent presence for years. A successful company will have many brands, so it is important to understand and maintain their individual strengths. A strong company's identity will also have a brand image. In some cases, this means defining its brand's personality. Keeping in mind the values that drive its brand can ensure a firm's success.​
We can put brand equity as what differentiates your product from your competitors' products. If your brand equity is low, your consumers may not be able to differentiate between you and your competition.

On the other hand, a strong brand equity will allow you to charge more for your product than competitors can charge for their product. This means that you can spend more money on marketing and advertising because you are making more money on sales. Ultimately, this leads to increased market share and higher profit margins.

In order to manage brand equity, you need to know how your customers perceive your brand. You can do this by conducting surveys or interviews with customers and asking open-ended questions about what they like or dislike about a particular product or service.

Once you have gathered this information, it's important to analyze it in order to see what patterns emerge among respondents. You'll want to pay close attention to any negative feedback as well as positive feedback so that you can make changes where necessary before launching a new product line or entering into a new market segment.

Once everything has been analyzed, then it's time for action! You'll need to develop a strategy for improving customer satisfaction by making adjustments based on the data gathered during research phase.