Managing available resources in the manufacturing business.

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Manufacturing firms can effectively allocate resources by following these steps:

IDENTIFYING AND PRIORITIZING BUSINESS OBJECTIVES: A manufacturing firm should determine its overall strategy and goals, such as increasing production efficiency, reducing costs, or improving product quality. Once these objectives are identified, they can be prioritized to determine which ones are most critical and need the most resources.

ASSESSING CURRENT RESOURCES: The next step is to take stock of all the resources the firm has available, including human resources, production equipment, raw materials, and financial resources. The firm should assess the capacity, utilization, and efficiency of each resource and determine how it can be used to support the production process.

DETERMINING RESOURCE NEEDS: Based on the prioritized business objectives and the current resources available, the firm can determine what additional resources are required. For example, if the objective is to increase production efficiency, the firm may need to invest in new equipment or hire additional personnel.

BUDGETING AND FINANCIAL PLANNING: Once the resource needs have been identified, the firm must allocate resources in a manner that aligns with its financial capabilities and constraints. The firm should create a budget that takes into account expected revenue, expenses, and cash flow, and allocate resources accordingly. This step involves making trade-offs between different resource allocation options and choosing the most cost-effective approach.

MONITORING AND ADJUSTING RESOURCE ALLOCATION: Regular monitoring and evaluation of resource allocation is crucial to ensure that resources are being used effectively and efficiently. This involves tracking performance metrics, such as production efficiency, cost reduction, and product quality, and making adjustments as necessary.

IMPLEMENTING AND ADHERING TO BEST PRACTICES: The firm should embrace best practices in resource allocation, including inventory management, process optimization, and continuous improvement initiatives. This can help the firm reduce waste, streamline operations, and make the most efficient use of its resources.

Sticking to these steps, a manufacturing firm can effectively allocate its resources to achieve its business objectives and remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.


The management of available resources in a manufacturing company definitely calls for when the cost of acquiring raw materials for production has increased or has rise. It can be a very daunting and uneasy situation for business organisations and manufacturing companies to allocate and manage available resources, when cost of production have increased but to successfully do so. They must definitely cut down any unnecessary spending from the business revenue generated. Letting go of unnecessary spending can help a particular manufacturing business organisation plan and also budgets and spendings to write full activities that can help the business in the moment.

For example they should only channel the available resources in the business organisation or in the manufacturing company to only the production and making of availability of goods and services in which customers and clients as well as wholesalers and retailers are more readily to purchase. Business availability is also part of having resources which is also important for business growth and development.