Make Money Using Etsy and Facebook Marketplace


VIP Contributor
Go to Etsy, and find high selling products.

Go to Facebok Marketplace and list the Etsy product for sale. Add 20-25 profit markup on your listing. Use the same title, and description while listing the product on Facebook Marketplace.

When the product is ordered on Facebook Marketplace, go to Etsy and order the product. Use the shipping details of the buyer. The Etsy seller will directly ship to the buyer’s location and you make money by driving sales through Facebook Marketplace.

You will have to remember a couple of things, for example, you need to choose a product that has free shipping because it is easier to sell a product that comes with free shipping.

Also, save the Etsy product link on an excel sheet so that you can easily track the product when it gets ordered on Facebook.

If you are having difficulties in generating sales on Facebook marketplaces, try boosting the product. Add your marketing expenses to the selling price.