Make easy 800 $ per week

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  • Payment Method : Paypal, Skrill & Payza.
  • Minimum Payout: only $1
  • The Rate of Referral Earning: 20% Commission for Lifetime
  • Alexa Rank (Global) :7,151

Hello, have you really made any money with the platform?. I have worked with a few URL shortening platforms in the past but I could not really make any money because I didn't know how to get enough traffic. Adfly is actually one of the first platforms I worked with. Do you have any idea of how to get traffic to this kind of offers?.
It always makes me cringe when I see people calling others to join a referral program when they are used to make money for themselves in that program. The best thing you can do to convince people to join your referral is to show proof of earnings you have made from the program website. Another thing is that you need tons of traffic to make decent income with Link shortener.
The poster didn't even tell us what the website is all about. Gone are the days when online people are lured with the outrageous money that may not even be real. This is because, nowadays people don't want to waste their time on any website without getting the actual promise.
@btaliat it seems the guy is promoting link shortener website in his post. making money through links right now can be a waste of time if you are not generating enough traffic to the links you are promoting. Also you need I in demand products which you can make available for free for people to download. But it does not make sense to use your money to buy a digital product and make it available for people free just because you want to make money.
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