Knowing the best savings plan to adopt


Valued Contributor
Saving is something that needs planning. If you fail to plan on how to save, you will discover that you will find it hard or typically impossible to even save. So now, the question is how can one know what kind of savings plan to use and adopt to ensure that he or she saves regularly?

✓ First of all you must consider the rate at which you get paid. There are persons that get paid on a daily basis, others on a weekly and some monthly basis or even more. Now, before adopting a plan, it must favor the time frame of your payment. You cannot adopt a monthly saving plan when you get paid on a weekly basis and expect that you will save as you wish to.

✓ Secondly, you must also find a plan which fits into your class. You cannot be of low class and adopt a high class savings plan. That will stress you and you may be unable to even keep up with it. Find the most comfortable plan that you can fit into and adopt.


There are many types of savings plans, and it may be difficult to know which one is right for you.

The first step is to understand what type of money you want to save. What are your short-term goals? Do you want to save up for a vacation, or do you want to retire early? Once you have defined those short-term goals, it will be easier to choose a savings plan that works best for you.

Some people prefer cash savings accounts because they can keep their money in a safe place and still feel like they're earning interest on their savings. These types of accounts require very little management from a bank or credit union; however, if you need more than just cash deposited into your account each month, these accounts may not be suitable for your needs.


VIP Contributor
Yes when trying to save money it is always good to adopt a saving plan that you'll be able to consistently use for about the period of time before trying to change it.

There's always enormous benefits when we try to be consistent with a plan. most times the plans work because we have been consistent with its and see to it that the goal of the plan works and it does work so same should be applicable to a saving plan, if you are saving at the end of every month then you should be consistent with it and carry it out till you want to change this totally.

Secondly if you are saving 10% of your income weekly or monthly then you should stick to it and use that percentage still when you're ready to change it to adapt to a saving plan. This is so you would be able to be consistent with it to see an effective result.