Keys to financial management as a couple


Valued Contributor
Keys to financial management as a couple.

Moments of abundance and moments of scarcity, on the other hand, are essential. While moments of abundance are ideal for achieving the family goals, moments of scarcity restrict the desired lifestyles and force each member of the group to make sacrifices in order to overcome the situation together.

All couples make different agreements about managing their finances and they are all valid too, as long as they are clear. Some couples contribute 50-50, while others split the expenses depending on each person's income. Others decide that whoever earns more assumes the entire expenses. There is no magic formula for this. However, according to financial experts, the most important thing is to be honest.


Valued Contributor
I am of the idea that being married or living with your spouse should make financial life easier. This is because both of you can earn money and cost share on your expenses. I totally agree that honesty is very important when handling finances as a couple. One partner shouldn't have to suffer more than the other due to covering most of the expenses.

In the case where one partner is the breadwinner and the other is a stay at home, that money should also be spent wisely. Most relationships end because of financial struggles that could be handled if both parties chose to be transparent and intentional.


VIP Contributor
Financial management should be taken seriously by couples. Even having a joint account would be a great idea so that each person knows what's going on with the other person. Both husband and wife needs to be more proactive with finance. You set aside a fixed amount from your paycheck every month and deposit that in the joint account. Then, the two people would be signatory to the account so that everywhere those how the money are being expended St the end of the day


Financial management is a vital part of any happy relationship between a couple. Some important keys to financial management are:

1. Transparent Communication: Disclosing your money matters is essential for successful financial management. This will be possible if you share with each other your financial goals, debts and spending habits so that you can work towards a common vision together.

2. Making A Budget: Prepare a budget indicating the amount of money you earn, your expenses and the savings you would like to make. If possible, stick to this budget, otherwise make adjustments where necessary. Regularly assess whether or not you are making progress according to your budget.

3. Joint Decision Making: Couples should decide on their own their personal finances; this also entails major purchases, investments and others forms of financial undertaking one could think of in life. Therefore both partners should have an input on whatever choices need to be made before these decisions are finally taken.