Jobs That Would be Replaced by Ai and Robots in 2033


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It's definitely a scary time for anyone fearing that they'll lose their job to automation. But the truth is, it's looking like robots and AI will actually be more of a boon than a burden to the economy in the long run. They are poised to take over repetitive, task-oriented jobs like manufacturing, which will free up human workers to do jobs that require creative thinking, problem solving, and critical reasoning—all things that robots are currently unable to do at our level.

That doesn't mean there won't be challenges ahead as jobs become automated. In fact, there are already systems in place that can write basic news stories and sports reports. However, these systems aren't able to provide context or nuance—which means they can write the facts of a story but not the analysis or opinion pieces that readers want.

Here are the Jobs that can be easily replaced by Ai/Robots:

1. Teaching

2. Medicine/Surgery

3. Diagnosis

4. Structural Analysis

5. Construction

6. Radiography

7. Embedded System

8. Software Engineering

9. Hardware Engineering

10. Electronics

What do you think about these jobs, do you have contrary opinions?