Is your present job satisfying?


New member
Being satisfied about your job should go straight to if you're being paid well to you expectations or not.
Right now I would say yes, my present job is satisfying in the sense that I have no difficulties in my work space, I'm not saying there are no difficulties but there are simple ones I could easily handle.
Currently, I'm not satisfied with my offline job. I work at a restaurant and have a busy schedule, I have little to no time for myself at all. I also have an angry boss who would shout at you not minding if you're at the supermarket or buying groceries. I hate being shouted out and that is one of the reasons I'm thinking of quitting my present job. But I have a second thought due to the fact that I needed money for school and can't fully depend on what I earn online. I'm still thinking if staying so I can buy some things for myself. Patients is one of the characteristics one had to have irrespective of where you work and the money you make, so if you have one, I believe you can overcome an angry boss and overlook everything. But to be sincere I'm really dissatisfied with my job and hoping to get a new and a better one soon.


VIP Contributor
Well , I am not really engaging in any offline business , the reason is because I'm just trying to raise some money to start up the type of business I need. I am an electrician , so probably I work offline in most cases and that is not really what I want to do. It's just something I will have to depend on just for a short period of time or to generate me some money and not really something I have to focus on for long time purposes.

At least whenever I get into university to study my prefered course of interest and when I come back probably that will really be what I will always be interested to do because that will gives me opportunity to work in different areas of business.

As electrician this is not really my area of interest , I'm just doing it for the main purpose of generating money at least to further myself forward and to achieve some of the dreams I planned for myself.

Competition is very high and is only people with some sort of educational qualification are likely to make it in most cases , except people who are interested to start up a business.


VIP Contributor
I do not have a day job. I am a full-time online worker who tends to work on different online platform and I am also trying to become a full-time cryptocurrency trader as well. This is why I create new strategies and try to make money. I am quite happy with what I do for many reasons. I have always dreamed of becoming a full-time writer.

Despite the fact that I never became a writer, I am still fulfilling my dreams of working as a writer on paid to post forums. I certainly do enjoy what I do because I love to write and this is what I am doing right now. I know that paid forums do not pay a really great amount of money to people, but I am still satisfied because I would never have been happier if I had been working in a company.

I think that people should pursue careers they love and they should do what they enjoy doing. A successful person should choose a career that he likes the most. So, I might be earning a very low amount of money right now, but I am still happy with what I have and I thank Allah Almighty for every thing he gave me.