Is sportbetting a revenue generator or destroyer?


Deleted member 28873

The rate at which youths are getting involved in sports betting is making me wonder if its a means of generating revenue.Thou the economic situation in Nigeria is bad but should that be a reason to go towards geting rich quick policy inform of sports betting.What most people fail to realize the more higher the reward is the more higher the risk of you loosing.Most people where involved in sports betting so as to get rich quicker by doing so most do find there self getting deep into debt.I could remember when I asked a friend of mine,he replied that"he is only contributing his money to be collected later" most of them never collect there money back instead they keep loosing more while some do only to loose more.The only thing I could say about it is that it a great hope giver"the thought of you winning money"what am I going to buy only to be crashed "false hope".
Sports betting is one of the easiest ways to go bankrupt. No matter how much you earn from the sports betting you will want to place another bet to earn more even if you don't have the money you will want to borrow in order to stake but the end truth is that you will still loss all the money to the sport bet. so sports betting is a destroyer.
I wouldn't recommend betting as a means of making legitimate money both online and offline. Their is nothing tangible that comes out from it. You will play and play nothing falls out good from it. Only few that wins through it. Since I've know my fate with gambling i don't gamble again cos i have no future there to win any tangible income for myself through such scheme.