Is Persistence Really The Key To A Sustainable Business?


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We have heard a lot of people speak towards the role of persistence or consistency in business. No doubt, there are business owners who faced major challenges in their business and due to persistency, they are able to weather the storm. Persistency in business is one attribute every entrepreneur must possess but it should have a limit, inasmuch as you are persistent, it does not imply that you should remain in a stunted or stagnated business forever. The concept of persistency has made many entrepreneurs choose to remain in businesses that would never thrive.

The first step in setting up a business is motivation, profit can always come after it. Motivation is a drive and without this, it would be hard to venture in a business line successfully. There are some business owners who fret easily when they are eclapsed with some minor challenges and might even close down the business and this is because, they did not have any motivation towards the business. There is no business on Earth that does not face challenges either in a small or large scale. I know that persistence should be imbibed but at the same time, we should know when to go back to our drawing board!
Well, persistence might not necessarily be the key to a sustainable business. To me, when a business is sustainable, it means the business must be productive and successful as well. It is very possible for a business to be sustainable yet it does not have or make any level of productivity. The notion that a entrepreneur should be persistent has made so many business owners remain in ventures that has suffered great decline and might never reawaken. I am not saying that persistency should not be attributed in a business but I have seen several cases where a business owner remain in dead ventures just to avoid or boycott the stigma that comes with the society when someone gives up in a business line, you would see or hear people refer to him or her as a sore looser and even those who contributed to the downfall by owing excessive debts and by taking items or products which are unpaid for.

This itself should reawaken every business owner not to sell items on credit because this is one factor that makes a business to collapse easily. As business owners, persistency and motivation should work hand in hand to enhance the growth of a business. Most businesses suffer failure when a challenge arises because the business owner is not passion-driven but might just only be after the profits and when the profits is not forthcoming for a short period, he closes the business immediately and this is where persistency and motivation comes into play.
In most cases YES and in most cases NO. Lemme explain.

Personally I will choose to only be persistent on things I am very sure of its future potential because that is what will really be the most profitable and that can actually generate some profit.

Sometimes it may be very difficult for you to know the one that will always generate profit in the future. Personally to me the one I am very sure can actually generate profit in the future are those business that takes the burden off people. These are the type of business that should be considered for long-term purposes .

There are some business that does not really have anything to offer and if you are to look into their future potential There is a greater possibility that technology could possibly take over such business in the future. For me I can't really trust such a business and no matter what I will always try as much as possible to replace such business with those that I am very sure technology is not likely to take over because of its major .

You don't have to persist in all things because some can really be dangerous .
It is not all what a business owner or a business entrepreneur needs in order to run a successful business , but actually it is one of the factor a business owner or entrepreneur must need in order to successfully run his or her business and to be able to reach higher heights . Persistence of consistency is very important in business , and a persistent or consistent business owner is said or considered to be hardworking , industrious , and everydoing in the course of process of carrying out business and other business related activities .

Same is also applied to an employee who works under an individual known as his employer , manager , or boss . When an employee is persistent and consistent in carrying out duties and task assigned to him or her he is considered to be hardworking and industrious and his reputation in the business environment will be elevated and well noticed by others as being industrious and hard-working . A persistent and consistent self-employed business owner is considered to be able to run his business successfully . when a self-employed business owner always endeavour to be there on time thereby being punctual to open the business of the day in order to meet early customers who will be in need of his or her goods and services he or she sells or render , such self-employed business owner is considered to be hardworking and industrious by members of the public and possibly would be able to keep his or her customer loyalty clinged to his or her business .
Persistence is key to a sustainable business. If you're new to entrepreneurship, or if you're just starting out with your current company but want to see it thrive and grow, you might feel like persistence is the key to success. (I mean, yes, it is.) But here's the thing: persistence can be your friend or your enemy—and it depends on what kind of persistence you mean by the word. There are three main types of persistence:

1) The first kind of persistence is simply sticking with something until it works out for you in the end. This type of persistence means that even if things don't turn out as planned (or expected), they will still work out in the end because you left no room for failure: you had no choice but to keep going and see what would happen next. And this kind of persistence can be very hard-won and difficult; it's not something anyone should expect themselves ever to have! But if you do have this kind of strength within yourself, then it can also help protect against burnout or exhaustion by keeping your spirits up throughout long periods of difficult work.

2) The second kind of

The truth is, no matter what your business is, you need to be persistent in order to succeed. But that doesn't mean you can't also be flexible in order to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. We know that persistence and flexibility are often confused with each other, but they aren't the same thing. Persistence is the ability (or willingness) to keep at something until you reach a goal, while flexibility is being able to change course if necessary.

For example, if a salesperson is stuck on a quota but doesn't want to drop their sales targets, they may become frustrated and lose focus on their goals. However, if they're willing to consider changing their quotas if it means reaching them at the end of the month instead of the beginning—or even just making more money overall—they'll be more likely to stick with it until they accomplish their goal.