Is farming a business


Valued Contributor
In most rural and remote areas tye usual occupation of the occupants of the place is either farming or fishing. They may not regard it as a business. But can I farm and say am a business man🙄?
Well it actually doesn't sound like it's right to term farming as a business but in my opinion farming is a business and a very credible one for that matter.
Why is it a business? A business basically is something that you engage in to earn and it may have to do with the exchange of goods and services. As a farmer you supply grains and in exchange for it you get paid money and that's business.
So why is farming credible?
Now as a farmer you can earn best when you engage in large scale farming what can be termed or called commercial farming. You will farm a large field and use mechanised tools for your work. You must not hire labour or any form of support to make excellent amounts
But as a small scale farmer you must consider many factors before you plant.
Farming extends to not just crops but also animals and other goods.
You can engage in fish farming something that is gradually becoming marketable and sources a lot of income to tye farmer. All you need is to create the pond and a good source of water. Fishes are highly prolific as they breed fast. Another animal that is very prolific is rabbit
It is an animal that breeds fact and in no time will become a good source of income.