Is collaboration, competition within the niche healthy for blogs


I think it depends on the niche. If you're in a niche that's very competitive like fashion or lifestyle blogging. I think competition can be healthy because it creates a space where everyone is trying to outdo each other, and that means there's more incentive for people to work hard and create content that people will want to read. But if you're in a niche where collaboration is key like cooking blogs, for example I think collaboration can actually be more beneficial for the community of bloggers.

We all know that competition can be healthy for blogs, but it's not always the case. When we look at our own blogs, we see that there are some blogs that are purely competitive in nature and others that encourage collaboration.

For example, if you're a wedding photographer, you might want to encourage your clients to get married on your blog as much as possible so they can share photos with their friends and family. This kind of content is great for your business, but it's not likely to get new readership or increase your website traffic unless you have other ways of promoting your work.

If you're a wedding photographer who also writes for a blog about weddings and weddings photography, however, then the blogging is going to be focused more on sharing tips and tricks for getting better shots at weddings rather than promoting yourself as a professional wedding photographer. This kind of content could be really helpful for new photographers who are interested in learning from someone who has been doing this for years!