Interview Other Tech Professionals to build your tech career


VIP Contributor
You have a good eye for design and you know how to get the job done. But now it’s time to take your career to the next level. You can start by interviewing other tech professionals to build your skillset and enhance your career. The more technical skills you have, the better chance you have of getting hired at an IT company or agency. Here are some tips on how to interview technical candidates:

Ask questions about their experience

Make sure they know what their responsibilities will be in the position. This way, they can give you honest feedback about whether or not they’re ready for the job. You can also ask them specific questions about how they would do certain tasks, such as troubleshooting problems or performing maintenance work on servers.

Listen carefully

It’s important that you listen carefully when interviewing candidates because this shows them that you care about their future success at your company. If you want them to succeed, then show it through your actions by listening closely and asking follow-up questions so they feel comfortable sharing more information with you.
You can't be a great programmer without knowing the people who are. The best way to learn is by asking questions of other people in the industry. In fact, it's not enough just to ask questions — you have to know how to ask them, too.

So what are some things that you should know before interviewing other tech professionals? Here are some tips for getting ready:

Look at their resume and LinkedIn page. This will give you a sense of their experience and skills.

Ask if they'd be willing to talk about their career path (and any setbacks along the way). This will help them understand how they got where they are today, which may help you better understand how to reach your own goals.

If possible, find out what tools they use for work and for personal projects. You can use this information as a source of inspiration when developing your own skills with software development tools and apps.