Important characteristics of product and services


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There are some important characteristics that come along with goods and services, no one would like his characteristics of the products he distribute or the services which he rendered to fall in the wrong direction, these characteristics include :

The qualities of the product we want to distribute how will our customers or client benefit from this products,or if such products are consumable, will those consuming our product how do such product react to their body system.

Distribution process of such product to get to the final consumer, most product before there get to the consumer may take time and effort and at most times it would be wise to buy this product in large quantity because most product may seems rare or hard to find because they may be very demanding from the consumers.

Most product are not durable and mobile which means it may be hard to distribute then to our client especially if such client is living very far from us, and at most times our client would not like to be disappointed so making good use of time during distribution of product should be considered.