Importance of self employment


New member
Self employment just like the name goes, you're your own boss and working according to your limit and self implimented rules which is quite different from being employed to work for a firm or a company which might have different working ethics and plans but you must work according to the company's rules and regulations in order to be payed. But you must have what it takes to be self employed such as acquiring a demanding skills not to run out of getting clients to patronize you.


VIP Contributor
Self employment is a very important part of the economy. It has become an important contributor to the economy and as such, it is not only important but also beneficial to us. Self employment is a concept that has been around for centuries and it has always been one of the most popular career paths for people aiming for their dream jobs.

The reason behind this is that self employment offers a lot of freedom, flexibility and creativity to its workers. It gives them the chance to work from wherever they want and with whoever they want. Moreover, self employment allows them to be their own boss which makes them feel more responsible for their actions as compared to other jobs where you are often working under someone else's control or supervision.

This freedom also means that even if you do not have much experience in your field, you can start your own business without having any trouble getting things done and making money from it too! Therefore, self employment can help anyone who wants to make money without having any prior experience in their field; it is definitely something worth considering if you want to start earning money right away without having any trouble doing so.


Self-employment is a career choice that allows you to create your own job. It's a way to earn money, work for yourself, and be your own boss. The freedom of self-employment can be appealing, but it also has its drawbacks. If you choose to become self-employed, you'll have to deal with the following:

The need for flexibility. As a self-employed person, it's important that you're able to adjust your schedule in order to meet employment needs. This can be hard when you're new to the process, but it will help you build up experience and become more comfortable with the idea of working independently.

A lack of benefits. You won't be eligible for any employer benefits or retirement plans while working on your own. However, many people find that this is an advantage because it gives them greater control over their finances and lifestyle choices.