Importance of night to our health.


VIP Contributor
Nights marks the end of a day , in other words it is used to signify that a particular day has come to an end and so it is left for we all the inhabitants of the Earth to rest thereby going into our respective homes and wait for the next day . A lot of people do not know how valuable their night is . Others do think that it is preferable for human beings to experience daytime more than to nighttime . A lot of individuals feel over attached to their work and businesses and so they use their nighttime meant for resting to carry on remaining business activities like finishing a report , finalizing a office presentation , or finishing an assigned task or duty by your business employer .

The night is meant for sleeping , and having a good night sleep helps you become agile and motivated for the next day . An individual who lacks good night sleep might feel dizzy and unmotivated the next or following day . If you have always been a horned employee but not have a good night sleep then prepare to disappoint your employer , and if you have always been a prestigious and horned students but lacking good night sleep then prepared to disappoint your lecturers and teachers . Our mental faculties and properties tends to rehabilitate and rest with us as we sleep at night , to be prepared and motivated the next day .


VIP Contributor
The importance of night for our health cannot be overstated. Night is when we recharge, refresh, and rejuvenate ourselves. Our heart rate slows down, our breathing becomes deeper and more even, and our blood pressure drops. During the day, we are charged with adrenaline so that we can perform at our best, but at night all of that energy is gone and we need to prepare for the next day's onslaught of stressors.

Without a good night's sleep, we cannot function optimally. We cannot make good decisions because we aren't thinking rationally. We aren't able to pay attention because we're too tired. We lose focus, coordination, and all of the other skills needed in order to succeed in both personal and professional endeavors.

Scientists suspect that light may be one of the most important factors in determining whether we can achieve a restful night's sleep or not. Essentially, light tells our bodies that it's time to wake up. When the sun sets in the evening, our bodies begin to produce melatonin (a hormone that helps us sleep). As long as there is no light available to us at night, melatonin production continues until it reaches its peak level around midnight or 2am—and then gradually decreases until dawn when the sun sets.


VIP Contributor
Night is a time of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. But it's also an important part of our health and well being.

Sleep is a vital part of life .we are designed to sleep between eight and nine hours per night. However, our modern lifestyles mean that we often don't get the amount of sleep we need; up to one in three people do not get enough sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep can affect your mood, relationships, work performance, health and weight.

The benefits of having a good night's sleep include:

1. Better memory

memory consolidation happens during sleep and by getting enough good quality sleep you can help your brain make better use of the time spent in sleep.

2. Weight loss

people who get less than six hours of sleep each night have a nearly 40% higher chance of becoming obese over time compared to those who get nine+ hours each night!

3. Lean muscle mass

sleeping every night helps maintain lean muscle mass by increasing growth hormone levels while reducing cortisol levels which cause protein breakdown in the body.