If you want to do an effective business, you should create a plan


New member
Create an online business plan

Having a proven online business plan that will get customers visiting from the process of their visit to the website until successful purchase like sparking customer demand with topical, description about the problem of the product, creating reliability with the customer, offering a good warranty, providing emergency support policy when needed, ...


Active member
owner that fail to plan his business very well will surely fail. Before going into any business you must do your through findings which includes feasibility studies about the business whether it's viable or not, also the profit projection for at least 3 years must be done. This will enable the entrepreneur to make his decision whether to start the business or not.


Active member
The importance of a business plan cannot be overemphasized, like the saying goes, he who fail to plan, Plans to fail, a business plan is just like a road map, it give your business a direction, some times in busineeses their are setbacks, but if you have a good plan, you will be able to restrategise and get back on track.