If PayPal is stopped from offering services to Russia, it will be a disaster for Russian freelancers


New member
If the current move by the Ukraine Minister of information to stop PayPal from offering services to Russia succeeds, it will be a disaster for Freelancers in Russia who will become victims of their leader's decision to go to war with Ukraine.

This will also mean that the talented Freelancers in Russia will not be part of the freelancing ecosystem, that in my opinion is not fair. My take here is apolitical just to be clear.

How would the innocent freelancers get by if the payment gateway to freelancing services shuts off Russian freelancers?

The only solution I can think of right now is the freelancing platform offering decentralized services where intermediaries are eliminated, blockchain and web3 based freelancing platforms like https : // app. hyve. works can save the situation because payments are made in crypto, the platform is secure, seamless, and borderless.