I don't make money on trendri is it cause I'm new?


New member
Hey guys I need help I have posted six threads now on trendri and I haven't gotten money I think its from my phone or the type of account I created because I don't see the follow button even if I want to follow members I've searched for a forum that can help me but I haven't seen any please if anyone can explain to me how this works it will be much appreciated
You should have read the rules before asking this question. In order to start earning from this site, you need to do test posts. You will have to publish 10 comments and 10 threads and submit them for verification. If your posts follow the terms and conditions and publishing rules (original content, well-written content, etc.) you will be approved. You will start earning only when your account is manually verified. You have just 11 posts. You need 9 more posts.
Hey guys I need help I have posted six threads now on trendri and I haven't gotten money I think its from my phone or the type of account I created because I don't see the follow button even if I want to follow members I've searched for a forum that can help me but I haven't seen any please if anyone can explain to me how this works it will be much appreciated
Read the rules carefully Here tap the here and reas the rules you need to have 10 posts and 20 threads to be verified on Trendri it is after verification that you can earn and see your earnings you must post quality non plagiarized content to be verified don't worry you'll love it here
Did you read the group rules before joining?. As a new member you ought to check out the rules of the group before proceeding, that is what most people faild doing and quit when they don't meet their expectations. In this forum, you have to make 10 threads and 10 posts before requesting verification on the PTP program and start earning, your content must be of high quality and ate free from plagiarism. You must avoid copy/paste content in order to avoid being banned. Just check out the group rules and be sure to read the PTP guideline by clicking on the top menu option and then selecting PTP in the bottom section.