How we stop our coughing with homemade remedy?


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Dear if you face a severe coughing then i will tell you a homemade remedy through which your coughing will stop .For this you will have to add a three drops of ginger in one spoon of honey and mix well and use it before sleeping at night without using water not only for adults and old people this remedy is also very helpful for children and newborn babies it is also helpful to remove phlegm on chest
We can stop coughing by prepared home remedy herbs. Cough is a virus that can be transmitted from one person to another. That is why world organisation said that if anybody is coughing beside you, you have to cover your mouth and your nose, someone can be affected by this virus. This virus can be inhaled from dusts in the house and on the road. It is good To be cover covering our mouth when sneeze in outside so that the particles that contain virus will not enter our mouth. We can prepare home remedy by using lemon together with turmeric and mix them with natural honey this is very effective treatment of cough and it can be used for tuberculosis also. They can take the mixtures three times a day, And you can be eating to tumeric raw,and don't eat it too much so as not cause diarrhea. You can mix lemon and lime together and mix them together inside natural honey and start to leaks them, is very effective to stop cough.
This thread is quite useful. I am also suffering from severe coughing and it seems sometimes that there is nothing that works. Coughing is a big symptom of common cold. Common cold is caused by many viruses that damage the throat. This leads to sore throat and sore throat can cause extreme discomfort and pain. in order to deal with coughs, we need to understand what is the best solution that could provide relief. I have myself been suffering and from my experience I think that drinking warm water could instantly provide relief. This is what I have noticed myself. I usually cough at night. However, whenever I drink water, my cough suppresses immediately.

Apart from that, I also recommend people to drink soups. In fact, I think that consuming hot soups could actually help you to prevent common cold before the virus actually attacks your body and causes these symptoms. I have also noticed that eating chocolates also provide some relief. Therefore, I drink hot chocolate milk whenever I experience common cold. Regardless of whatever you do, common cold takes time to heal. I think we must focus on preventing it rather than curing it! It would be much better to do that.
Thanks for sharing , it depends on so many things that will determine this, well I believe if it is a bacterial infection it can be and it should be treated with antibiotics because since that is the only way to get rid of the bacteria that is logging around the chest region.

In most cases some of the cough we are having is not always as a result of bacterial infections but I believe some of them is always as a result of weather changes, does dust during the harmattan season can also have an effect on this , that is why during that time it is always recommended to use face mask if you are working in a dusty environment.

Sometimes I do have cough but most of the ones I have is always as a result of cold and the best way I can be able to treat this is to wear something that can keep me warm at all time and took over my head.

Honey has really been good for most Chest related disease and infection and can really help to relieve catarrh.
Taking of warm water can also be an effective way to reduce and relieve yourself of cold if that is what causes the cough.
I have heard about these ginger and honey and how effective it can be, but I have not really tried it myself. I am currently having some signs of cough though, I think it might just try it