How to track rental property expenses


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Tracking rental property expenses is the key to ensuring your business is running efficiently. Whether you’re an investor or a landlord, it’s important to keep track of all of your bills in order to make sure that your income covers all of the costs associated with your rental property.

The first step in tracking rental property expenses is to create a monthly ledger. This can be as simple as creating a list of all of your expenses and dividing them by the number of days in a month. Once you have this list, you can easily see if there are any increases or decreases in spending compared to previous months.

If you want to keep track of even more details about your business, consider using a software program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets as an additional tool for tracking your finances. These programs allow you to input data into columns so that it’s easier for you to organize and track information from multiple sources.
In the rental business, keeping track of your expenses is critical. Whether you're paying rent each month or making repairs, it's easy to forget about some of the smaller costs and lose track of what you're spending.

But it's not just a matter of tracking down your receipts. You also need to take advantage of online tools to help you keep track of what goes into your property's upkeep and maintenance.

If you want to know exactly how much money you're spending on rent each month — and how much more money you could be saving — follow these steps:

Set up an account with a website like Yodlee (or similar services). These sites automatically import bank transactions into their database so that you can see all of your bank accounts at once and track their activity on a budgeting dashboard, including all deposits, withdrawals, transfers between accounts and more.

Get organized with a spreadsheet. If there's one thing that drives me crazy about spreadsheets, it's having multiple sheets for different things (like rent vs. utilities). So I recommend breaking down everything into separate sheets so that everything is under one roof instead of scattered across several sheets in separate tabs or tables within one spreadsheet file.
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