How to Stop Impulsive Buying in 5 Steps


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Impulsive buying is also known as impulse purchasing or compulsive buying.
Even if you are not guilty of it all the time, you may find yourself suddenly spending more money unplanned, which can negatively affect you finances.

There are many tips to stop this, but I've listed five that work well.
The first step is to find out why you spend impulsively. Finding out the problem will help you choose the best solution for it.

Next is to create a budget for all your income. This helps you to put money away for important things and rarely leaves money for impulsive buying.

The third tip is to ensure that you don't carry more money than you need when shopping. It may be obvious, but we often carry extra money that we spend unnecessarily.

The fourth tip, is to bring someone when you shop. This person will remind you whenever you want to go out of hand. You can even find someone who wants to stop impulsive buying to help each other out.

Another tip to stop impulsive buying is to unsubscribe from unnecessary email lists. Marketers who write these emails do it to ensure their offer is tempting to you. If you don't stop the noise, you'll always feel like you need the next new and shiny thing.

Is there any way you stop impulsive buying?


Valued Contributor
Impulsive buying is the buying of things without a plan, most of which are just for luxury or unnecessary. You mostly end up not using the things for long. Think of those clothes that are still new but you don't wear them anymore. You always end up realizing that you don't even need what you bought during impulsive shopping.

Some of the tips that have helped me overcome impulsive buying include;

1. Analyzing spending habits - this is by writing down the things you buy or by just thinking about. But writing is better. This will help you decide the things you need and what you don't need.

2. Budgeting - once you decide on what you need, budget your money around it.

3. Practice self discipline - it takes so much self control to only stick with your budget.

4. Do bulk shopping - this will make you avoid going for shopping frequently. Hence you don't find yourself in situations that prompt you to spend impulsively.