How To Set Intentions For Your Finances


If you want to make sure your finances are on track, there's no better way than setting intentions.

Intentions are simply a way to clarify what you want for your financial situation. They help you focus on the big picture, so that you can make sure that everything else in your life is going in the right direction.

Setting intentions will help you make decisions about your money, and they can also be used to track progress. so that you know whether or not your goals are actually working!

Here are some common examples of financial intentions:

1) Make a list of your goals for the upcoming year and be honest about where you stand today.

2) Determine what opportunities will help you reach those goals, and what obstacles could get in the way.

3) Break down those obstacles into smaller goals so that they seem more manageable.

4) Choose one goal that seems most important to you at this point in time, and use it as your focus for achieving all other goals throughout the year. This can be a big one or a small one. it just needs to be something that really matters to you!

5) If there are areas where money is required, set up an automatic transfer from your bank account into that account every month until all other goals have been reached.

6) Make a list of all the things you want to do with your money, whether it's buying new clothes or paying off debt. Write down what you hope to accomplish with each item on the list.

7) Think about how much time and energy it's going to take you to achieve each goal. If it takes a lot of time or energy (or both), think about whether it really needs to be done right now. If not, put that goal on hold until later.