How to Sell Ad Space on Your Blog


VIP Contributor
While you might be making money on your blog by running adsense or amazon affiliate ads, selling ad space to independent advertisers will allow you to earn more money. While you might make $1-$2 per click on adsense, or $5-$10 from an amazon product commission, you might easily earn more from indie advertisers. However, the main question is how do you sell ad space on your blog.

First and foremost, you need to build huge traffic on your blog, think of something like 1000 daily visits. Then you will have to go to Buy Sell Ads or AdClerks and register as a publisher. Advertisers will then bid for ads.
If the blog is on a specific niche topic, it is often difficult to get 1000 visits in a month. Most of the advertisers do not consider advertising on blogs with less traffic, so the webmaster finds it difficult to cover the website expenses, remain motivated to update the content regularly spending their time. This is a major problem online at present, only larger websites are able to make money, smaller websites with 500 page views are making almost no money.