How To Prevent Yourself From Asthma Attacks.


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Asthma is one of the most popular diseases put there. There are a lot of people living with asthma in these days and they are doing well. Though the general belief and what people feel is that asthma patients are not strong, they don't have the energy to do other things and so on but they are not tru. They are as strong as every other human being. I am a living testimony.

What is asthma?
Asthma is a health condition in which the person's airways is swollen in a way that the person will not breathe very well. The person will not be able to breathe in well nor even breathe out well.

What are the ways in which asthma attack can be prevented?

*Always use your drug. Apart from the venturing inhaler, there are some drugs in which you can use to suppress the hard way of breathing. We call it salbutamol. It will help to widen your airways.

* Stay away from stress. Stressing yourself too much will make you very close to asthma attacks all the time. Once you stress yourself and breathe heavily, there is a high tendency for you not to be able to breathe well again. So just stay away from stress.

* Stay away from dust or smoke. This is the fastest way in which you can trigger an asthma attack. Make sure that you always try to stay away from those two.

If you can abide by all of these rules, you will live a good an healthy life.


VIP Contributor
Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects millions of people around the world. It can be really frustrating, especially when you have to take medication every day to manage it. But there are some things you can do to prevent yourself from asthma attacks.

To prevent asthma attacks, it's important that you drink enough water throughout the day so your body has enough moisture in it. Also, make sure that you keep your home clean and dust-free by vacuuming regularly. If you have pets in your home, make sure that they don't get too much dust or pollen on them by having them groomed regularly and giving them regular baths with a special shampoo designed for pets with allergies or respiratory problems like asthma inflammation.

You should also avoid smoking cigarettes and using marijuana because these two things cause inflammation in the airways which leads to an attack by inhaling small particles into our lungs causing inflammation which leads us into having a panic attack due to breathing difficulty and not being able to breathe properly anymore due to obstruction caused by congestion inside our lungs which leads us into an asthma attack.