How to prevent skin cancer


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1. Avoid getting sun burn
2. Avoid using bleaching cream as they make your immune system to be weak which increases the risk of developing skin cancer
3. Use cover up with clothing or hat and UV blocking sunglasses
4. Use sunscreen to your body like 39 minutes before going out
5. Keep newborn away from the sun Because their skin is not yet strong and their immune system and it can cause skin cancer
6. Use shade when going out from 10am to like 4am
so I think if we can follow all this prevention listed here we should be able to protect our self from this so called skin cancer because the side effect is not good so we should try and always protect our skin
Knowing the causes of skin cancer will let people protects themselves against it. We need to know that using bleaching cream, and using some types of perfumes directly to the skin. Drawing of tattoos and even exposure to direct sunlight can easily exposed us to the risk of skin cancer.
When your skin is always exposed to the sunlight almost Everytime it causes skin cancer as well
We can use shade or sunscreen when going out so as to prevent too much exposure to sunlight
Skin Cancer is a very bad disease which can deformed some one skin and if care is not taken one can die through it.
Skin cancer can be prevented by moving away from those cream which are very strong and has a lot of chemical mis- together with it. Prevention is better than care.
We need to make sure we take care of our skin so as not to get this skin cancer or any health issues that might occur
You can prevent skin burn by not staying too long under the sun because when you stay under the sun your skin start to get dark and burn. Also don't use bleaching cream it's very dangerous for the can also burn the skin due to chemicals in don't bleach.
Bleaching creams and tattoos are very bad to the skin. It kills some healthy cells in the skin and causes damage.