How To Prevent Land Mafia From Invading Your Property?


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Actually, there are a lots of problems associated with real estate business because I consider it as one of the hardest business anyone could conduct if they are not smart enough. One of the biggest reason why I call it hard is because of many legal aspects of this kind of business. One of the main issues is that of land invasion when we talk about real estate business. Land invasion by many land mafias is a really big problem in many developing countries. I also live in such kind of a country where this problem is growing a lot and I think that the reason why it is so hard to fight such problems is because many high officials and corrupt officers are involved with these mafias.

In such kind of conditions it is common for people to lose their lands and other kind of properties. In fact, many people in my country also try to prevent land invasion by allowing certain people to occupy lands so that no other person could invade the land. I have always wondered how come these land mafias actually succeed to invade land when they have no legal rights over the property. How is it possible to prevent this?
This kind of case happened to a writer friend. He bought land in the rural area. But there is no title and what's given to him was rights which was a legal document. He occupied the land and built a house and made it into a farm. After 2 years there were thugs who came to evict the occupants. My friend fought back and challenged the invaders with the document showing his rights on the land. But he was pestered by the thugs. Although there were no physical encounter but there were threats that obviously the thugs were trying to scare my friend. What happened next was my friend asked for help from the armed forces. He has a friend there who is a general. When the soldiers came the thugs were not seen anymore. Now the land is safe and there is peace in the area. One old time resident there said that those thugs belong to a syndicate. Their scam is to scare the occupant and offer protection in exchange of a sort of tax.
Some relatively unknown laws in my country allow occupants to own the land they have resided in for the past 10 years if the occupancy was never challenged by the lawn owners. Such laws apply if they have also paid real estate taxes on the land. Imagine if you're a landowner and you're busy with life somewhere else and when you do plan to make use of the vacant lot, you'll find that someone else has been benefiting from it and may possibly even take it legally from you. If you are a landowner, you must ensure that you are doing what landowners should be doing, including paying appropriate real estate taxes on the property and making it common knowledge in the community that you are the rightful owner of the land by exercising control over the property or actually making use of the property.​
What you just said now is exactly what's happening to our real estate lend property, Invaders are simply trying their utmost best to snatch the lens out of greed from us. The matter is simply in the court of law to defend who actually owns the land between my father and the Invaders. They invades are just greedy people they just want to plot your downfall by snatching your land out of hatred. Thanks to law court which has enabled the court fighting for person who is at the right side and marginalized by thugs to make sure his or her property is secured.