How to prepare yourself for a new business in 2023


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It's easy to get excited about the future of business and technology. But how will you be prepared for a new world in 2023?
The future is uncertain, but here's some advice on how to prepare yourself for a new business in 2023:

1. Start with a vision. This might sound like a no-brainer, but it's one of the first things people forget when building their startup. Without an idea of what you want to build and who your customer is, it's impossible to know where to start.

2. Get started sooner rather than later. If you're looking at starting a company in 2021 or 2022, chances are you're already behind the eight ball by now. It's better to work on your idea now than wait until later and have less time for experimentation and iteration.

3. Be bold with your ideas. You can't expect others to take risks when they're afraid their ideas aren't good enough — especially when they don't even know what those risks are yet! So start experimenting with different ideas as soon as possible and make sure that each one is worthy of further consideration before moving on to another idea altogether.